Tuesday, 12 March 2013

New Kids on the Block

These young cattle were out on Hob Moor for the first time last weekend. They were very skittish and clearly a bit overwhelmed at their new found freedom. I would have shown you a shot of their faces but I was too busy waving my arms and shouting 'Gedon with ya' as they came charging down the path towards me. Luckily that sent them galloping in the opposite direction.


  1. It will be a while before the cows will be able to do the same thing in my area. But when it happens thousands of people will line up at farms all over Stockholm to watch it happen.

  2. The sun seems to have changed colour and shape in the UK since I was last there!

    Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Indeed. We have not seen the old fashioned yellow looking one for some time now!

  3. How bizarre- cows and a balloon- you are brave to tackle the cows- we tend to turn around and flee!

    1. I have been known to do that, one particularly large Charolais bull springs to mind...............

  4. I think I've never thought about cattle going out in the spring.

  5. What were they doing out and about? Shopping, is my guess.


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