Sunday, 7 October 2012


This is the cap of a tube set in the floor of the Nave of York Minster as a level mark to show if the building is shifting. It was placed here after extensive restoration work to find out if it had been successful in halting the subsidence that threatened the fabric of the Minster. 
Benchmarking is a variation on the geocaching phenomenon in which individuals actively seek out these marks using a hand held GPS and log their finds on line. Who knew? Not me until I looked up from taking this picture to be congratulated by a couple of young lads on finding a 'passive station bolt'


  1. congratulations on finding this! and thanks for the explanation.
    geocaching has intrigued me for years. but not enough to actively seek it out. I do, however, seek out things like this on the ground. and nice manhole covers and sewer grates.

  2. I've heard of this but don't really know how it works!

  3. I thought it meant "hiding things!" Shows how much I know.


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