For this was on seynt Volantynys day Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.
This rather splendid Sparrow terrace in the churchyard of St Mary Senior Bishophill is ready for the birds to choose their mates on this Saint Valentine's Day and move straight in!
In towns and cities many churchyards are now quite wildlife friendly. I know that here in Leeds several of the churchyards that I have visited the parishioners make an effort to provide a home for birds and bats.
In towns and cities many churchyards are now quite wildlife friendly. I know that here in Leeds several of the churchyards that I have visited the parishioners make an effort to provide a home for birds and bats.
ReplyDeleteI love it Deb!
ReplyDeleteRather splendid indeed. This is charming.
ReplyDeleteSo pretty!
ReplyDeleteWhat a find!:)